Friday, July 19, 2013

Lessons on Marriage.

Well folks, the semester is over. Today was the very last day of classes. It's been a whirlwind of a semester, but I am so grateful for all of the experiences I have had. Particularly with this class. I have learned so much that will apply to real life, and I will use time and time again. In class this week, Brother Williams shared a video that I have seen many many times. But, he had us take a different perspective on it. I was so surprised at what I was able to learn! Watch this beautiful arrangement by Jon Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson of "Love Story" and "Viva La Vida".

Now. See if you can relate it to marriage. What analogies can be made? 

I'll share a couple we came up with in class.

  • Each person started out playing a different song, but they came together in the end to play one beautiful melody. Growing up, we start out creating our own story. Marriage is about coming together to create one story together. 
  • Although each song sounded pretty by itself, when they came together, it was magic! Marriage is magic! As a couple comes together to combine their stories, it makes for a much better ending :)
  • The video itself doesn't show this, but we know it took practice and time for them to play a beautiful melody together. Marriage takes time and practice. We will not be perfect at making a marriage work in the beginning, but as couples work together, they can create a marriage that is worthy of lasting for eternity.
  • Each of the instruments they were using to create their marriage are expensive brands. We choose the kind of marriage we are going to create. When a couple is sealed in the temple for eternity, they are choosing to create a marriage that will bring them home to live with their Father in Heaven again.
  • Their were parts of the song that were louder, and parts that were softer. Marriage will help its up and downs. But, we can choose to use those down times to draw closer as a couple, and be well on our way to a better day! 
  • Each person took a time to shine in this song. There were times when Jon took the lead, and times when Steven took the lead. So it is with marriage. There ought to be a time for the wife to shine, and there ought to be a time for the husband to shine. 

Friday, July 12, 2013


Parenting is no easy task. So why parent?

There are several reasons:

  • It is an opportunity to learn to love as our Heavenly Father loves us.
  • We get a chance to become a co-creator with God.
  • Building the attachment bond. 
  • We can learn from children, and they can learn from us.
When caring for children, they have basic needs that need to be addressed. And I'm not talking about food, water, shelter.Although those are important, there are other needs we may not always consider.

Contact and belonging.
Everybody needs to have physical contact with other humans beings. We need to be touched, and to feel like we belong somewhere. The touch can be as simple as a high five, a hug, or a kiss. Even boys need physical contact. They just may seek it out in different ways - such as wrestling and football. 

Children want to feel powerful. They want to feel like they are in control of their choices. Common power struggles between parents and children occur in nap time, meal times, and picking out clothes. How can you reconcile these differences? Give children choices, but only choices you are willing to comply with. For example, pick out two or three outfits you would be fine with your child wearing. Then, let your child choose from those outfits. It gives them the chance to make their own choices.

Everybody needs a chance to pull back from life, and relax. Allow your child time to withdraw from homework, school,  and stress. Allow them to have time to do what they enjoy.

Children need to be feel protected, and taken care of. 

Children need to be challenged. They need to be given the opportunity to stretch themselves, and to do something outside of their comfort zone. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Working as a Family

What is the point of work? Why can't we just get everything we need for free?

Work means earning what you have. It causes you to treasure what it is you have worked for. Think of when you were a child, and your parents provided everything for you. Then, as you got older, your probably started to pay for some of your own items - whether it was clothes, food, or housing. How did you treat these items differently? I know that for me personally, I treasure things so much more when I have worked for it. When it is something I bought with my own money, I am much more careful about I use the item, and I  tend to be a lot more grateful. Work brings happiness and satisfaction.

Work used to be called 'living'. Now, people seek out the highest paying jobs requiring the least amount of work. We have become lazy.

What would happen if we worked only for necessity, rather than working to become as rich as possible?

It would allow us more time to spend with our families, and we just might find that we are better able to enjoy the work we do.

Teach children the value of work by working as a family, and show them what blessings and benefits come from work.