Friday, July 12, 2013


Parenting is no easy task. So why parent?

There are several reasons:

  • It is an opportunity to learn to love as our Heavenly Father loves us.
  • We get a chance to become a co-creator with God.
  • Building the attachment bond. 
  • We can learn from children, and they can learn from us.
When caring for children, they have basic needs that need to be addressed. And I'm not talking about food, water, shelter.Although those are important, there are other needs we may not always consider.

Contact and belonging.
Everybody needs to have physical contact with other humans beings. We need to be touched, and to feel like we belong somewhere. The touch can be as simple as a high five, a hug, or a kiss. Even boys need physical contact. They just may seek it out in different ways - such as wrestling and football. 

Children want to feel powerful. They want to feel like they are in control of their choices. Common power struggles between parents and children occur in nap time, meal times, and picking out clothes. How can you reconcile these differences? Give children choices, but only choices you are willing to comply with. For example, pick out two or three outfits you would be fine with your child wearing. Then, let your child choose from those outfits. It gives them the chance to make their own choices.

Everybody needs a chance to pull back from life, and relax. Allow your child time to withdraw from homework, school,  and stress. Allow them to have time to do what they enjoy.

Children need to be feel protected, and taken care of. 

Children need to be challenged. They need to be given the opportunity to stretch themselves, and to do something outside of their comfort zone. 

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