Friday, May 10, 2013

Be Happy Now!

"Complaining is an adult's way of crying."

I heard this phrase in class, and it has been stuck on my mind ever since. Children cry for attention - whether that be to satisfy a need or want. As adults, we are generally doing the same thing when we complain. We are seeking attention for a variety of reasons. Elder Holland, an apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, said, "No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse." As Brother Williams pointed out in class today, "Nobody likes to be around a complainer. It's not sexy or attractive." How do we learn to stop complaining? I believe it is all in our attitude. Happiness is a choice! The only difference between a burden and a blessing is our attitude. One thing that has personally helped me is to keep a gratitude journal, and visibly count the ways the Lord has blessed me that day. When we take the time to realize and acknowledge all of the good in our lives, we come to understand that there are no bad days. There may be bad moments, or hard hoops we have to jump through, but the good will always outweigh the bad. And if it doesn't, it's not the end. So be happy now, and stop complaining. Complaining won't change anything, and you will only make yourself more miserable. 

 If you are interested in reading or listening to the rest of Elder Holland's address, here it is! The Tongue of Angels

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